CollectionWe are busy working on putting our collection into a database which will be accessible and searchable online.
The WHPS archive is made up of several collections (described, not completely itemized here):
Blatchford collection Our most extensive private donation, it includes maps, books, letters and interviews, photo albums and slides, and Wayne memorabilia Chipp family collection Fabric and wallpaper, funeral cards from the Chipp family, family photos and photos of Wayne found under the steps of the Chipp house Dunham Hunt Museum collection Entire museum collection acquired from the Dunham Hunt Museum in 2010. Mostly Dunham and Ward family artifacts and ephemera Corky Hamill Papers regarding Oaklawn Farm, Dunham Woods Riding Club, Village of Wayne, Prairie Path, and Forest Preserve Oral History tapes of longtime residents Recordings made by Historic Sites members in ? Little Home Church Photographs, programs, news articles Marguerite Henry Books, correspondence, photos, newsletters, news articles Francis Peterson Papers Binders of typewritten pages of Francis Peterson Wayne history 1916-1962, People, Places, Events, Obituaries, books of poems Marching and Chowder scrapbooks Katie Lindsay collection Two large scrapbooks with memorabilia from shows that funded CARE packages sent to German musicians after WW II Ward collection Actually a sub collection to the Dunham Hunt Museum collection. China, silver and other belongings of the Ward family Women’s Club of Wayne scrapbooks Minutes, records, photos and news articles from 1921 through closure in 1993 Craig and Carol Stokely collection Records regarding Forest Preserve, Garden Club, Prairie Path, development in Wayne, Conservation District Also donations of memorabilia, photos and artifacts related to the community from:
Sue Abbott Mary Alf Barbara Arens Noonie Barton Ernie Bellack David Bierman Peter Booth Betsy Bramsen Patti Burke Jim Coleman Pat Dennehey Mike and Cathie Donahue Joannie Dumas Jeannie Fletcher Wayne Hendrickson Lori Hughes Carrie Jenkins John Jenkins Jim and Cindy Judge Lisa Koerner Bill Kohanik Melba Kuntz Pat McArdle Patty Owen Peter Pratt Pat and Jim Schiltz Mary Jean Schless Oscar Schreiker Jane Schroeder Maureen and Ken Shepro Brett and Nancy Smith |