What is the connection between Wayne and...The Battle of Saratoga? The Black Hawk War? Claim Jumpers? The first Railroad west of Chicago? Agricultural expansion in the United States? The Nobel Peace Prize? Award winning authors?
The answers to those questions and more are on the following pages. As our historians unearth more information surrounding current and past residents of our Village, we will make it available to those who seek to understand their own connection to the story of this unique place.
In 2018, several of our board members were able to visit the site of the Battle of Saratoga, and visit with Eric H. Schnitzer, historian at the Saratoga National Historical Park, who pulled out the center's file on the Dunham Family. Eric spent hours going over documents and folk lore and sent us to the historian of the adjacent Village of Stillwater, NY, where we viewed handwritten documents of the Dunham family and learned where the Dunham family cemetery was located, along the western edge of the battlegrounds. Please visit us again soon for more information.
The answers to those questions and more are on the following pages. As our historians unearth more information surrounding current and past residents of our Village, we will make it available to those who seek to understand their own connection to the story of this unique place.
In 2018, several of our board members were able to visit the site of the Battle of Saratoga, and visit with Eric H. Schnitzer, historian at the Saratoga National Historical Park, who pulled out the center's file on the Dunham Family. Eric spent hours going over documents and folk lore and sent us to the historian of the adjacent Village of Stillwater, NY, where we viewed handwritten documents of the Dunham family and learned where the Dunham family cemetery was located, along the western edge of the battlegrounds. Please visit us again soon for more information.